
Publication Date: April 30, 2020

Available Formats: EBookPaperback, Audiobook

Is this book part of a series?: Yes. Book 1.

Oops! is book one in a series that consists of this book and a spinoff, Whoa. Each book can be read as a standalone, but it is recommended that you read them both in order of publication for full context.

About the Book:

“As if sleeping with the enemy wasn’t disastrous enough…” 

For Camryn Cox, living a private, purpose-driven, drama-free life is a top priority. And in her opinion, Maverick Woods represents everything opposite of that. 

He’s social media-famous, ultra fine, and completely irresponsible, making him something like the enemy as far as Camryn is concerned. But everything changes when a surprise moment of passion between the two of them results in a positive pregnancy test. 


Where To Purchase:

The Paperback is also available for request at your local library.

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Awards and Recognitions:

  • Named a “Raveworthy Listen” by Audible (January 2021)

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